Case Study

360?! – Performance Management for Future

A fast-growing tech startup lacked a formal performance management system, resulting in inconsistent feedback for employees and friction around expectations of performance. This 12-week implementation project of a structured 360-degree feedback system improved performance transparency, clarified career progression, and enabled data-driven promotion decisions. 


  • Prior to this project, the organisation lacked a formal performance management process. Employees were frustrated due to uncertainty about performance, career progression, and development opportunities.
  • Additionally, the absence of active performance management resulted in promotion inefficiencies across teams.
  • Quality of feedback was inconsistent and depended on the manager's skill. Previous efforts of establishing a culture of continuous feedback did not bear fruit.
  • Ultimately, managers were challenged to retain productive employees; and had little arguments to structurally manage wanted attrition in their teams.  


1. Defining competencies & expectations

  • Workshops during a three-week sprint with department leaders defined concise competencies for all roles. These were aligned to company values and structured performance expectations in their teams.

2. Implementing a 360-degree feedback system

  • During a two-day design sprint, a structured feedback process was designed by diverse representatives across teams and seniorities. 
  • Feedback collection tool was launched, and 360-degree processes for the collection of upward, downward, and peer feedback were set up. 
  • A pilot group tested the feedback survey to refine design and effectiveness before launching it to the entire company.

3. Training & adoption

  • Company-wide launch sessions educated employees on performance ratings, career paths, and the timing of feedback collection.
  • Leadership training in parallel covered rating assignments, feedback delivery, and the requirements to manager documentation.

4. Calibration & review

  • Calibration meetings aligned ratings and promotion decisions. The leadership team overlooked the translation of feedback outcomes into staffing decisions, salary adjustments, and promotions.


  • Employees gained clarity on their current performance, as well as their role expectations, career paths, and development areas.
  • Managers achieved transparency on promotion and salary increase criteria, backed by a structured process for promotions and salary adjustments.
  • The newly created performance review cycle was thoughtfully integrated into the company calendar to thin out workload peaks.


A company-wide performance review process and tool was introduced, keeping feedback collection light and workload-friendly. All employees received feedback on their current performance. This structured approach also provided the foundation for regular feedback assessments over time, structured employee development, and a culture of continuous feedback. 

Role clarity before reviews – employees need a clear understanding of role expectations before any performance evaluation can be effective.

Lessons learned

Managers drive performance culture – qualitative feedback, structured coaching and personal development reinforce strong employees to be as effective as possible.

Leadership needs clear expectations and buy-in to effectively support and defend the process, as this cannot be centrally enforced.

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